Qualman states that, “connections are vital to anyone’s success” (2012, para. 1). This is my greatest takeaway after learning about PLNs in EDCI 338, and as I reflect on my work in this course, is the takeaway that will translate best into my future endeavours. All PLNs and social media platforms serve the purpose of fulfilling human needs for connection. It is a remarkable thing that we can network with people in real time with people across the globe. Of course, there are negative factors as well. Privacy breaches, hackers, and advertising companies can exploit and profit off this need for connection that PLNs facilitate.
The biggest in change in my opinion of social media after taking this course is that I am now much more aware of how to maximize my PLN for professional success. After completing the course readings, discussing with peers, and watching the interviews in this course with professionals and activists, I have a clearer direction to my PLN development. I want to use social media not only for passing time (procrastinating), but to build my network. I want to maintain the connections I have made in this course and at my time at UVic. In one of my previous blogs I expressed my desire to continue writing and how I would like to look into student writing opportunities. Having a platform to express my opinions has been such a positive experience for me, especially during the pandemic. I am a fairly introverted person, so expressing myself through the medium of blogging is especially appealing to me. Overall, I aim to continue using my PLN for professional development and learn more about this topic.
Works Cited
Qualman, E. (2012). Digital leader: 5 simple keys to success and influence (1st ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Chapter Retrieved from: https://learning-oreilly-com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/library/view/digital-leader-5/9780071792424/ch16.html
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